Never before did I realise what a huge difference software and firmware can make to 3D-print quality.
Not long after setting my reprap up again in its new home, I found it having problems moving in the Z-axis, where the motors would refuse to move half the time, which after describing it on IRC people helped me figure out that the controller was telling the motors to accelerate too fast.
The acceleration that had been implemented in June 2011
Sprinter firmware still caused a significant amount of 'jerkiness' in axis movements. By updating to the latest version for June 2012, not only did more appropriate acceleration, adjusted by a predictive 'look-ahead' buffer, improve this current problem, but it also cut out a vibration problem that
broke my Y-axis last year, by pausing at the end of each move for a few ms, when making very short successive movements in order to draw a narrow zig-zag fill line. This helps because in most stepper-motor use there is no feedback control mechanism - the idea being to move a set number of steps then lock in place and hope for the best, which in reality can result in nasty vibrations. By stopping for a moment, the transient vibrations resulting from
overshoot can settle, so there is less chance of them
feeding into some resonant frequency and shaking the printer to bits.
Illustration of overshoot, via Wikimedia Commons. |
In the new firmware a minimum temperature is now set by default, which might have prevented another
previous incident that I had with over-heating when a thermistor connection broke.